Student Speaking

Research and Teaching Opportunities

Engineering Ambassadors

The Penn State Engineering Ambassadors is an outreach program providing opportunities for outstanding Penn State engineers to gain meaningful communication experiences both on and off campus. Ambassadors travel to high schools all over Pennsylvania to give short presentations on engineering topics to encourage the interest of these students in science and engineering careers. Ambassadors have many leadership opportunities and often give presentations and tours to prospective students and families, alumni, and industry representatives.

To be eligible to participate, students must first enroll in a special section of Effective Speech, CAS 100A for Engineers (look for sections that are controlled for only engineering students). Students who perform well in this course will have the opportunity to apply to become an ambassador.

Undergraduate Teaching and Research Experiences

Undergraduate Teaching and Research Experiences in Engineering (UTREE) is a new organization dedicated to providing undergraduate students with teaching and research experiences in preparation for graduate school. UTREE students are undergraduates who have excelled in their technical and communication classes. UTREE students regularly go into undergraduate classrooms and teach classes on special topics such as making presentations and working in teams. UTREE students also run college-wide meetings on how to obtain and prepare for undergraduate research experiences.

Teaching Internships

Students are eligible to participate in an undergraduate teaching internship program during their fourth year. If selected, students will be matched and assigned to work with a faculty mentor in the classroom. The workload is about 10 hours per week, and students will receive a stipend. The goals of this program are to improve communication skills, develop interest and firsthand experience in teaching, and develop a better understanding of basic concepts through teaching. Visit the Leonhard Center’s website for more information.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

There are a number of opportunities for undergraduate students to gain research experience outside of the University as well. The National Science Foundation keeps a database of Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) on its website.

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  • Contact

  • Beth Huber
    Undergraduate Program Coordinator
    113A Hallowell Building 

Student Organizations


The Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering at Penn State is one of the top ranked nuclear engineering programs in the United States. The department distinguishes itself with a strong focus on experimental research. The actively growing department leads four educational programs for students pursuing a bachelor of science, a master of science, a master of engineering, or a doctoral degree. The Radiation Science and Engineering Center (RSEC) facilities, including the Breazeale Reactor, are available to nuclear engineering faculty and students at Penn State for research and instruction. RSEC houses the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor, the country’s first and longest operating licensed nuclear research reactor. Having access to an operating research reactor is a key strength for the department and enables Penn State to harness research and educational opportunities that are unique in the United States. See how we’re inspiring change and impacting tomorrow at

Department of Nuclear Engineering

206 Hallowell Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-863-6222