Photo of Marek Flaska

Marek Flaska

Associate Professor


  • Nuclear Engineering

230 Hallowell Building


Research Areas:

Nuclear Science




Marek Flaska is an assistant professor in the Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering. Flaska received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in nuclear engineering from Slovak Technical University. He earned his Ph.D. in applied physics from the Delft University of Technology, then completed a postdoctoral appointment at Oak Ridge National Lab. He was an associate research scientist at the University of Michigan. His research focuses on designing radiation detection systems for nuclear non-proliferation, safeguards, forensics, and fundamental physics applications.




  • Marek Flaska, 2006, A compact fast-neutron producing target for high resolution cross section measurements, Delft University Press, The Netherlands, pp. 144

Journal Articles

  • S. Cheng, B. Pierson, S. Pomme and Marek Flaska, 2024, "Time interval distributions of nuclear events in a digital spectrometer", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1063
  • M. Kuatbek, B. D. Pierson, S. M. Lyons, Marek Flaska and Amanda M. Johnsen, 2023, "Characterization of the fast neutron irradiator and the fast flux tube irradiation fixtures at the Pennsylvania State Breazeale reactor", Nuclear Engineering and Design, 413
  • N. Grenci, Daniel Cortes Correales and Marek Flaska, 2023, "Design of an epithermal neutron velocity selection system for the Penn State Breazeale Reactor", Journal of Instrumentation, 18
  • F. Logoglu, P. E. Albert, Douglas E Wolfe and Marek Flaska, 2023, "Introduction of a thickness-dependent scintillator-PMT interface reflection coefficient to improve absolute light yield calculations for inorganic scintillators", Optical Materials, 138
  • M. A. Wonders and Marek Flaska, 2021, "Application of an added-sinusoid, signal-multiplexing scheme to a compact, multiplexed neutron scatter camera", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1002
  • M. U. Durbin, M. A. Wonders, Marek Flaska and Azaree Lintereur, 2021, "K-nearest neighbors regression for the discrimination of gamma rays and neutrons in organic scintillators", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 987
  • M. A. Wonders, J. J. Johnson, S. M. Watson, D. L. Chichester and Marek Flaska, 2020, "Optimization and characterization of a silicon photomultiplier-based ZnS(Ag) proton recoil fast neutron detector for nuclear fuel performance monitoring at TREAT", Journal of Instrumentation, 15
  • M. A. Wonders and Marek Flaska, 2020, "Characterization of a mixed-sinusoid multiplexing scheme with silicon photomultipliers and an inorganic scintillator", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
  • M. A. Wonders and Marek Flaska, 2020, "Development of an efficient multiplexing scheme for multichannel detection systems based on silicon photomultipliers and organic scintillators", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A - Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA) Special Edition
  • A. Foster, A. Meddeb, M. A. Wonders, Marek Flaska, M. Sharma, Zoubeida Ounaies and I. Jovanovic, 2019, "On the fabrication and characterization of heterogeneous composite neutron detectors with triple-pulse-shape-discrimination capability", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A - Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA) Special Edition
  • M. A. Wonders, D. L. Chichester and Marek Flaska, 2018, "Assessment of performance of new-generation silicon photomultipliers for simultaneous neutron and gamma ray detection", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions of Nuclear Science, 65, (9), pp. 2554 - 2564
  • A. C. Kaplan, A. P. Belian, M. T. Swinhoe, H. O. Menlove, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2017, "Fresh fuel measurements with the differential die-away self-interrogation instrument", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions of Nuclear Science, 64, (7), pp. 1664 - 1669
  • B. D. Pierson, L. R. Greenwood, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2017, "Fission product yields from 232Th, 238U, and 235U using 14 MeV neutrons", Nuclear Data Sheets, 139, pp. 171-189
  • C. C. Lawrence, J. K. Polack, M. Febrarro, J. J. Kolata, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and F. D. Becchetti, 2016, "Stabilization of neutron-gamma discrimination efficiencies for neutron spectrum unfolding with organic scintillators", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions of Nuclear Science, 64, (2), pp. 772 - 780
  • G. Blanchard, Marek Flaska, G. Handy, S. Pozzi and C. Scott, 2016, "Classification with asymmetric label noise: Consistency and maximal denoising", Electronic Journal of Statistics, 10, (2), pp. 2780-2824
  • C. S. Sosa, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2016, "Comparison of analog and digital pulse-shape-discrimination systems", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 826, pp. 72-79
  • Z. D. Whetstone, Marek Flaska and K. J. Kearfott, 2016, "Experimental verification of a method to create a variable energy neutron beam from a monoenergetic, isotropic source using neutron elastic scatter and time of flight", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 827, pp. 95-101
  • C. C. Lawrence, M. Febrarro, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and F. D. Becchetti, 2016, "Warhead verification as inverse problem: Applications of neutron spectrum unfolding from organic-scintillator measurements", Journal of Applied Physics, 120
  • S. Avdic, P. Marinkovic, S. A. Pozzi, Marek Flaska, Z. Dedic and A. Osmanovic, 2016, "Study of the filter method for neutron pulse-height distributions measured with organic scintillators", Radiation Measurements, 86, pp. 32-38
  • M. C. Hamel, J. K. Polack, A. Poitrasson-Riviere, Marek Flaska, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, A. Tomanin and P. Peerani, 2016, "Stochastic image reconstruction for a dual-particle imaging system", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 810, pp. 120-131
  • A. Poitrasson-Riviere, J. K. Polack, M. C. Hamel, D. D. Klemm, K. Ito, A. T. McSpaden, Marek Flaska, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, A. Tomanin and P. Peerani, 2015, "Angular-resolution and material-characterization measurements for a dual-particle imaging system with mixed-oxide fuel", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 797, pp. 278-284
  • M. L. Ruch, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2015, "Pulse shape discrimination performance of stilbene coupled to low-noise silicon photomultipliers", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 793, pp. 1-5
  • J. K. Polack, Marek Flaska, A. Enqvist, C. S. Sosa, C. C. Lawrence and S. A. Pozzi, 2015, "An algorithm for charge-integration, pulse-shape discrimination and estimation of neutron/photon misclassification in organic scintillators", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 795, pp. 253-267
  • D. L. Chichester, S. J. Thompson, M. T. Kinlaw, J. T. Johnson, J. L. Dolan, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2015, "Statistical estimation of the performance of a fast-neutron multiplicity system for nuclear material accountancy", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 784, pp. 448-454
  • M. M. Bourne, J. Whaley, J. L. Dolan, J. K. Polack, Marek Flaska, S. D. Clarke, A. Tomanin, P. Peerani and S. A. Pozzi, 2015, "Cross-correlation measurements with the EJ-299-33 plastic scintillator", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 784, pp. 460-464
  • A. Poitrasson-Riviere, B. A. Maestas, M. C. Hamel, S. D. Clarke, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, G. Pausch, C.-M. Herbach, A. Gueorguiev, M. Ohmes and J. Stein, 2015, "Monte Carlo investigation of a high efficiency two-plane Compton camera for long-range detection of radioactive material", Progress in Nuclear Energy, 81, pp. 127-133
  • M. F. Becchetti, Marek Flaska, S. D. Clarke and S. A. Pozzi, 2015, "Measurements and simulations of the cosmic-ray-induced neutron background", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 777, pp. 1-5
  • B. D. Pierson, H. C. Griffin, Marek Flaska, J. A. Katalenich, B. B. Kitchen and S. A. Pozzi, 2015, "Benchmarking the repeatability of a pneumatic cyclic neutron activation analysis facility using 16O(n,p)16N for nuclear forensics", Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 96, pp. 20-26
  • S. A. Pozzi, M. M. Bourne, J. L. Dolan, J. K. Polack, C. C. Lawrence, Marek Flaska, S. D. Clarke, A. Tomanin and P. Peerani, 2014, "Plutonium metal vs. oxide determination with the pulse-shape-discrimination-capable plastic scintillator EJ-299-33", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 767, pp. 188-192
  • J. L. Dolan, Marek Flaska, A. Poitrasson-Rivière, A. Enqvist, P. Peerani, D. L. Chichester and S. A. Pozzi, 2014, "Plutonium measurements with a fast-neutron multiplicity counter for nuclear safeguards applications", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 763, pp. 565-574
  • A. C. Kaplan, V. Henzl, H. O. Menlove, M. T. Swinhoe, A. P. Belian, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2014, "Determination of total plutonium content in spent nuclear fuel assemblies with the differential die-away self-interrogation instrument", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 764, pp. 347-351
  • A. Poitrasson-Riviere, M. C. Hamel, J. K. Polack, Marek Flaska, S. D. Clarke and S. A. Pozzi, 2014, "Dual-particle imaging system based on simultaneous detection of photon and neutron collision events", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 760, pp. 40-45
  • S. A. Pozzi, B. Wieger, A. Enqvist, S. D. Clarke, Marek Flaska, M. Marcath, E. Larsen, R. C. Haight and E. Padovani, 2014, "Correlated neutron emissions from Cf-252", Nuclear Science and Engineering, 178, (2), pp. 250-260
  • A. C. Kaplan, V. Henzl, H. O. Menlove, M. T. Swinhoe, A. P. Belian, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2014, "Determination of spent nuclear fuel assembly multiplication with the differential die-away self-interrogation instrument", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 757, pp. 20-27
  • C. C. Lawrence, M. Febrarro, T. N. Massey, Marek Flaska and F. D. Becchetti, 2014, "Neutron response characterization for an EJ299-33 plastic scintillation detector", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 759, pp. 16-22
  • J. L. Dolan, M. J. Marcath, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, D. L. Chichester, A. Tomanin and P. Peerani, 2014, "Active-interrogation measurements of fast neutrons from induced fission in low-enriched uranium", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 738, pp. 99-105
  • J. L. Dolan, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and D. L. Chichester, 2013, "Passive measurements of mixed-oxide fuel for nuclear nonproliferation", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 703, pp. 102-108
  • S. D. Clarke, E. C. Miller, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, R. B. Oberer and L. G. Chiang, 2013, "Verification and validation of MCNPX-PoliMi for simulation of neutron multiplicity measurements", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 700, pp. 135-139
  • B. Pehlivanovic, S. Avdic, P. Marinkovic, S. A. Pozzi and Marek Flaska, 2013, "Comparison of unfolding approaches for monoenergetic and continuous fast-neutron energy spectra", Radiation Measurements, 49, pp. 109-114
  • M. Faisal, R. T. Schiffer, M. J. Haling, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and D. D. Wentzloff, 2013, "A data-processing system for real-time pulse processing and timing enhancement for nuclear particle detection systems", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60, pp. 619-623
  • C. C. Lawrence, A. Enqvist, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, A. M. Howard, J. J. Kolata and F. D. Becchetti, 2013, "Response characterization for an EJ315 deuterated organic-liquid scintillation detector for neutron spectroscopy", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 727, pp. 21-28
  • C. C. Lawrence, A. Enqvist, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and F. D. Becchetti, 2013, "Comparison of spectrum-unfolding performance of EJ315 and EJ309 liquid scintillators on measured Cf-252 pulse-height spectra", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 729, pp. 924-929
  • Marek Flaska, M. Faisal, D. D. Wentzloff and S. A. Pozzi, 2013, "Influence of sampling properties of fast-waveform digitizers on neutron-gamma-ray, pulse-shape discrimination for organic scintillation detectors", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 729, pp. 456-462
  • A. C. Kaplan, Marek Flaska, A. Enqvist, J. L. Dolan and S. A. Pozzi, 2013, "EJ-309 pulse shape discrimination performance with a high gamma-ray-to-neutron ratio and low threshold", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 729, pp. 463-468
  • A. L. Lehnert, Marek Flaska and K. J. Kearfott, 2012, "D-D neutron scatter measurements for a novel explosives detection technique", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 693, pp. 195-202
  • K. Ide, M. F. Becchetti, Marek Flaska, A. Poitrasson-Riviere, M. C. Hamel, J. K. Polack, C. C. Lawrence, S. D. Clarke and S. A. Pozzi, 2012, "Analysis of a measured neutron background below 6 MeV for fast-neutron imaging systems", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 694, pp. 24-31
  • S. A. Pozzi, S. D. Clarke, W. Walsh, E. C. Miller, J. L. Dolan, Marek Flaska, B. M. Wieger, A. Enqvist, E. Padovani, J. K. Mattingly, D. Chichester and P. Peerani, 2012, "MCNPX-PoliMi for nuclear nonproliferation applications", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 694, pp. 119-125
  • P. Peerani, A. Tomanin, S. A. Pozzi, J. L. Dolan, E. C. Miller, Marek Flaska, M. Battaglieri, R. De Vita, L. Ficini, G. Ottonello, G. Ricco, G. Dermody and C. Giles, 2012, "Testing on novel neutron detectors as alternative to He-3 for security applications", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 696, pp. 110-120
  • A. Enqvist, B. M. Wieger, L. Huang, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, R. C. Haight, H. Y. Lee and C.-Y. Wu, 2012, "Neutron-induced U-235 fission spectrum measurements using liquid organic scintillation detectors", Physical Review C, 86, pp. 064605
  • E. C. Miller, S. D. Clarke, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and E. Padovani, 2012, "MCNPX-PoliMi post-processing algorithm for detector response simulations", Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, 40, (2), pp. 34-41
  • S. D. Ambers, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2011, "A hybrid pulse shape discrimination technique with enhanced performance at neutron energies below 500 keV", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 638, pp. 116-121
  • A. Enqvist, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2011, "A combined neutron and gamma-ray multiplicity counter based on liquid scintillation detectors", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 652, pp. 48-51
  • J. Katalenich, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and M. R. Hartman, 2011, "High-fidelity MCNP modeling of a D–T neutron generator for active interrogation of special nuclear material", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 652, pp. 120-123
  • M. Faisal, R. T. Schiffer, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and D. D. Wentzloff, 2011, "A correlation-based pulse detection technique for gamma-ray/neutron detectors", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 652, pp. 479-482
  • R. T. Schiffer, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, S. Carney and D. D. Wentzloff, 2011, "A scalable FPGA-based digitizing platform for radiation data acquisition", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 652, pp. 491-493
  • A. Enqvist, K. Weinfurther, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2011, "Characterization of a mixed multiplicity counter based on liquid organic scintillators", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Nuclear Science, 58, (5), pp. 2413-2420
  • S. A. Pozzi, Y. Xu, T. Zak, S. D. Clarke, M. M. Bourne, Marek Flaska, T. Downar, P. Peerani and V. Protopopescu, 2010, "Fast neutron spectrum unfolding for nuclear non-proliferation and safeguards applications", Nuovo Cimento C, 33, (1), pp. 207-214
  • A. Enqvist, S. A. Pozzi, Marek Flaska and I. Pazsit, 2010, "Initial evaluation for a combined neutron and gamma ray multiplicity counter", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 621, pp. 493-497
  • Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2009, "Digital pulse shape analysis for the capture-gated liquid scintillator BC-523A", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 599, pp. 221-225
  • S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, Marek Flaska and T. J. Downar, 2009, "Monte Carlo study of photoneutron production in U-235 following perturbations in cross section data", Annals of Nuclear Energy, 36, pp. 393-398
  • S. D. Clarke, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and P. Peerani, 2009, "Neutron and gamma-ray cross-correlation measurements of plutonium oxide powder", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 604, pp. 618-623
  • S. Avdic, P. Marinkovic, S. A. Pozzi, Marek Flaska and V. Protopopescu, 2009, "Identification of neutron sources by spectral analysis of pulse-height distributions", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Nuclear Science, 56, (5), pp. 2796-2801
  • S. A. Pozzi, S. D. Clarke, Marek Flaska and P. Peerani, 2009, "Pulse-height distributions of neutron and gamma rays from plutonium-oxide samples", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 608, pp. 310-315
  • J. D. Dolan, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi and D. L. Chichester, 2009, "Measurement and characterization of nuclear material at Idaho National Laboratory", Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, 38, (1), pp. 40-47
  • S. D. Ambers, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2009, "Neutron/gamma-ray pulse shape discrimination with liquid scintillation detectors based on average pulses", Journal of Nuclear Materials Management, 38, (1), pp. 48-54
  • A. Enqvist, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2008, "Measurement and simulation of neutron/gamma-ray cross-correlation functions from spontaneous fission", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 595, pp. 426-430
  • L. F. Miller, J. Preston, S. A. Pozzi, Marek Flaska and J. S. Neal, 2007, "Digital pulse shape discrimination", Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 126, (1-4), pp. 253-255
  • Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2007, "Identification of shielded neutron sources with the liquid scintillator BC-501A using a digital pulse shape discrimination method", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 577, pp. 654-663
  • S. A. Pozzi, Marek Flaska, A. Enqvist and I. Pazsit, 2007, "Monte Carlo and analytical models of neutron detection with organic scintillators", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 582, pp. 629-637
  • Marek Flaska, D. Lathouwers, A. J. M. Plompen, W. Mondelaers, T. H. J. J. van der Hagen and H. van Dam, 2005, "Potential for improvement of a neutron producing target for time-of-flight measurements", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 555, pp. 329-339
  • Marek Flaska, A. Borella, D. Lathouwers, L. C. Mihailescu, W. Mondelaers, A. J. M. Plompen, H. van Dam and T. H. J. J. van der Hagen, 2004, "Modeling of the GELINA neutron target using coupled electron-photon-neutron transport with the MCNP4C3 code", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 531, pp. 392-406

Conference Proceedings

  • S. R. Surani, P. E. Albert, F. Logoglu, Douglas E Wolfe and Marek Flaska, 2023, "Light-extraction characterization and optimization for 2-D photonic crystals", Proceedings of the 2023 INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Conference
  • B. Nethercutt, N. A. Grenci and Marek Flaska, 2023, "Prompt gamma response simulations for nuclear forensic applications", Proceedings of the 2023 INMM & ESARDA Joint Annual Conference
  • S. R. Surani, P. E. Albert, F. Logoglu, P. E. Lauer, Douglas E Wolfe and Marek Flaska, 2021, "Improved light collection from inorganic scintillators using photonic crystals", Proceedings of the 2021 INMM & ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Conference
  • N. A. Grenci and Marek Flaska, 2021, "Monte carlo simulations for time-of-flight epithermal neutron activation analysis for isotopic signatures", Proceedings of the 2021 INMM & ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Conference
  • F. Logoglu, P. E. Albert, Douglas E Wolfe and Marek Flaska, 2021, "Experimental and simulation investigation of micro- and nano-structured neutron detectors", Proceedings of the 2021 ANIMMA Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
  • C. A. Lani, B. D. Pierson, S. M. Lyons and Marek Flaska, 2021, "Optimization simulations for a gamma-ray calibration standard for a cyclic neutron activation analysis pneumatic system at the Penn State Breazeale reactor", Proceedings of the IEEE Virtual Nuclear Science Symposium
  • F. Logoglu and Marek Flaska, 2020, "Optimization simulations with micro-layer geometries with 10B/ZnO for neutron detection", Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • N. Grenci, Daniel Cortes and Marek Flaska, 2020, "Epithermal neutron time-of-flight facility using research reactor at Penn State", Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • M. U. Durbin, M. A. Wonders, Marek Flaska and Azaree Lintereur, 2020, "Optimization of a K-nearest neighbors regression for improved discrimination of gamma rays and neutrons in organic scintillators", Proceedings of the INMM 2020 Annual Conference, Baltimore, USA
  • M. A. Wonders and Marek Flaska, 2020, "Simulation and determination of shielding requirements for 14.1 MeV D-T neutron generators at Pennsylvania State University", Proceedings of the INMM 2020 Annual Conference, Baltimore, USA
  • F. Logoglu and Marek Flaska, 2019, "Development of a coated-micro-particle neutron detector based on LiF/ZnS scintillator", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2017), Portoroz, Slovenia
  • M. A. Wonders, S. Cheng, D. L. Chichester and Marek Flaska, 2019, "Evaluation of time resolution and comparison of modern silicon photomultipliers", Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Sydney, Australia
  • M. A. Wonders, Amanda M. Johnsen, C. C. Davison, S. Cheng, D. L. Chichester and Marek Flaska, 2019, "Assessment of modern silicon photomultiplier radiation hardness in a nuclear security context", Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Nuclear Science Symposium, Sydney, Australia, University Park, United States
  • M. A. Wonders and Marek Flaska, 2019, "Simulation and optimization of a neutron scatter imager based on silicon photomultipliers and signal multiplexing", Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Annual Meeting, Palm Desert, California
  • M. A. Wonders, D. L. Chichester and Marek Flaska, 2019, "Development of a ZnS (Ag)-silicon photomultiplier fast neutron detector for the neutron hodoscope at TREAT", Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Manchester, England
  • F. Logoglu and Marek Flaska, 2019, "Geant4 simulations for coated micro-particle detectors with improved neutron detection efficiency and light collection", Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Manchester, England
  • M. Durbin, M. A. Wonders, Azaree Lintereur and Marek Flaska, 2019, "Application of a novel machine learning approach to SiPM-based neutron/gamma detection and discrimination", Proceedings of the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Manchester, England
  • A. Foster, Amira Barhoumi Meddeb, M. A. Wonders, Marek Flaska, Zoubeida Ounaies and I. Jovanovic, 2018, "Development and characterization of a triple PSD heterogeneous lithium glass shards/polyvinyl toluene composite for neutron detection", Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Nuclear Science Symposium, Sydney, Australia
  • M. A. Wonders, D. L. Chichester and Marek Flaska, 2018, "Comprehensive characterization of silicon photomultipliers for nuclear security applications", Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Nuclear Science Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia
  • M. A. Wonders, D. L. Chichester and Marek Flaska, 2018, "Characterization of new-generation silicon photomultipliers for nuclear security applications", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2017), Liege, Belgium
  • M. A. Wonders, S. Cheng, D. L. Chichester and Marek Flaska, 2018, "Wavelength sensitivity comparison and nonlinearity study of modern silicon photomultipliers", Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
  • M. A. Wonders and Marek Flaska, 2018, "Evaluation of frequency-based multiplexing of silicon photomultipliers for safeguards applications", Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
  • C. O. McGahee and Marek Flaska, 2017, "Development of a high-efficiency fast-neutron detection system using EJ-426 scintillation sheets", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2017), Liege, Belgium
  • M. V. Wart, E. Simpson and Marek Flaska, 2017, "Piezoelectric materials under natural and man-made radiation: The potential for direct radiation detection", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA 2017), Liege, Belgium
  • C. O. McGahee and Marek Flaska, 2017, "Development of a high-efficiency fast-neutron detector based on LiF/ZnS scintillators", Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management 58th Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, California
  • C. O. McGahee, J. Weary and Marek Flaska, 2016, "Development of a high-efficiency, fast-neutron detector with excellent gamma-rejection properties", Proceedings of The Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA16), Berkeley, California
  • M. A. Wonders and Marek Flaska, 2016, "Characterization and comparison of new-generation silicon photomultipliers", Proceedings of the Advances in Nuclear Nonproliferation Technology & Policy Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • A. C. Kaplan, A. P. Belian, M. T. Swinhoe, H. O. Menlove, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2016, "Fresh fuel measurements with the differential die-away self-interrogation instrument", Proceedings of The Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications (SORMA16), Berkeley, California
  • M. L. Ruch, J. Nguyen, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2015, "Time resolution of stilbene coupled to silicon photomultipliers for use in a handheld dual particle scatter camera", Proceedings of The Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference, San Diego, California
  • J. K. Polack, M. C. Hamel, A. Poitrasson-Riviere, P. Marleau, Marek Flaska, S. D. Clarke and S. A. Pozzi, 2015, "Spectrum isolation in multi-source image reconstruction using a dual-particle imager", Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management 56th Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, California
  • S. A. Pozzi, S. D. Clarke, Marek Flaska, A. Di Fulvio, D. K. Wehe, Z. He, K. Kearfott, J. C. Lee, A. Hero, R. Lanza, R. S. Kemp, J. Fisher, A. Danagoulian, A. Glaser, F. von Hippel, P. Richards, J. K. Mattingly, M. Garces, I. Jovanovic, L. Carin, P. Wilson, J. Baciak, A. Enqvist, A. Farsoni, F. D’Errico and C. J. Sullivan, 2015, "Consortium for verification technology research activities", Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management 56th Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, California
  • S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, Marek Flaska, D. K. Wehe, Z. He, K. Kearfott, J. C. Lee, A. Hero, R. Lanza, R. S. Kemp, J. Fisher, A. Danagoulian, A. Glaser, F. von Hippel, P. Richards, J. K. Mattingly, M. Garces, I. Jovanovic, L. Carin, P. Wilson, J. Baciak, A. Enqvist, A. Farsoni, F. D’Errico and C. J. Sullivan, 2015, "Education and outreach activities within the consortium for verification technology", Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management 56th Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, California
  • M. C. Hamel, J. K. Polack, A. Poitrasson-Riviere, D. D. Klemm, Marek Flaska, S. D. Clarke, S. A. Pozzi, A. Tomanin and P. Peerani, 2014, "Time-of-flight neutron spectrum unfolding for mixed-oxide nuclear fuel and plutonium metal using a dual-particle imager", Proceedings of The Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference, Seattle, Washington
  • M. L. Ruch, C. Sivels, S. Czyz, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2014, "Comparison between silicon photomultipliers and photomultiplier tubes for pulse shape discrimination with stilbene", Proceedings of The Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference, Seattle, Washington
  • J. K. Polack, A. Poitrasson-Riviere, M. C. Hamel, K. Ito, S. D. Clarke, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, A. Tomanin and P. Peerani, 2014, "Image reconstruction of shielded mixed-oxide fuel using a dual-particle imaging system", Proceedings of The Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging, Intstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference, Seattle, Washington
  • C. S. Sosa, Marek Flaska and S. A. Pozzi, 2014, "Comparing analog and digital pulse-shape-discrimination system performance for organic-liquid scintillators", Proceedings of The Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Conference, Seattle, Washington
  • S. D. Clarke, Marek Flaska, S. A. Pozzi, R. B. Oberer and L. Chiang, 2011, "Monte Carlo analysis of nondestructive assay techniques for highly enriched uranium oxide", Proceedings of The Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Conference, Valencia, Spain

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The Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering at Penn State is one of the top ranked nuclear engineering programs in the United States. The department distinguishes itself with a strong focus on experimental research. The actively growing department leads four educational programs for students pursuing a bachelor of science, a master of science, a master of engineering, or a doctoral degree. The Radiation Science and Engineering Center (RSEC) facilities, including the Breazeale Reactor, are available to nuclear engineering faculty and students at Penn State for research and instruction. RSEC houses the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor, the country’s first and longest operating licensed nuclear research reactor. Having access to an operating research reactor is a key strength for the department and enables Penn State to harness research and educational opportunities that are unique in the United States. See how we’re inspiring change and impacting tomorrow at

Department of Nuclear Engineering

206 Hallowell Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802-4400

Phone: 814-863-6222