Photo of Arthur Motta

Arthur Motta



  • Nuclear Engineering

Research Areas:

Nuclear Power

Interest Areas:

Mechanisms of materials degradation when exposed to the nuclear reactor environment, including radiation damage, microstructural evolution, corrosion and hydriding for better prediction of materials behavior and development of new materials.




Arthur Motta is professor of nuclear engineering in the Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering and in the Materials Science and Engineering Department. Dr. Motta holds degrees in mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. Before joining the Penn State faculty in 1992, he worked as a research associate for the CEA at the Centre for Nuclear Studies in Grenoble, France, for two years and as a postdoctoral fellow for AECL at Chalk River Laboratories in Canada.




  • Donald R Olander and Arthur T Motta, 2021, Light Water Reactor Materials Volume II, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, Illinois, United States, pp. 1464
  • Arthur T Motta and Donald R Olander, 2017, New Textbook: Light Water Reactor Materials: Volume I, American Nuclear Society, pp. 836
  • Kevin Crowley, Joseph E Shepherd and Arthur T Motta, 2016, Lessons Learned from The Fukushima Nuclear Accident for Improving Safety and Security of U.S. Nuclear Plants: Phase 2

Journal Articles

  • Peng Wang, Bruce F Kammenzind, Richard Smith, Arthur T Motta, Damien Kaczorowski, Mathieu Aumand, Mukesh Bachhav and Gary S Was, 2025, "Discerning the effect of various irradiation modes on the corrosion of Zircaloy-4", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 604, (155505)
  • Luiz A Machado, Katheren B Nantes, Elia B Merzari, Lise Charlot and Arthur T Motta, 2024, "Toward development of a low-temperature failure envelope of cases for high-burnup RIAs under PWR operational conditions", Nuclear Engineering and Design, 429, pp. 113642
  • Katheren B Nantes, Mia Jin and Arthur T Motta, 2024, "Hydrided Zircaloy-4 cladding failure criteria during Reactivity-Initiated Accidents", Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 130(1), (154853), pp. 612-614
  • Katheren B Nantes, Mia Jin and Arthur T Motta, 2024, "Modeling hydrogen localization in Zircaloy cladding subjected to temperature gradients", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 589, (154853)
  • Xinyuan Xu, Zefeng Yu, W Y Chen, Arthur T Motta and Xing Wang, 2024, "Automated analysis of grain morphology in TEM images using convolutional neural network with CHAC algorithm", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 588, pp. 154813
  • Pierre-Clement A Simon, Long-Qing Chen, Mark Daymond, Arthur T Motta and Michael R Tonks, 2023, "Mechanisms of Mesoscale Hydride Morphology and Reorientation in a Polycrystal Investigated Using Phase-Field Modeling", Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 20th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1645, pp. 807-830.
  • Soyoung Kang, P B Huang, Víctor Petrov, Annalisa Manera, T Ahn, Bruce Kammenzind and Arthur T Motta, 2023, "Determination of the hydrogen heat of transport in Zircaloy-4", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 573
  • Brendan Ensor, Arthur T Motta, Ashley Lucente, John Seidensticker, Jonna Partezana and Zhongou Cai, 2022, "Investigation of breakaway corrosion observed during oxide growth in pure and low alloying element content Zr exposed in water at 360°C B", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 558
  • Xinyuan Xu, Zefeng Yu, Arthur T Motta and Xing Wang, 2022, "Automated Analysis of Grain Growth Under in-situ Irradiation Using Convolutional Neural Network", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 28, (S1), pp. 2036--2037
  • Muhammet Ayanoglu and Arthur T Motta, 2022, "Emulation of neutron-irradiated microstructure of austenitic 21Cr32Ni model alloy using dual-ion irradiation", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 570, pp. 153944
  • J Bowman, P Wang, GS Was, M Bachhav and Arthur T Motta, 2022, "Ion irradiation induced amorphization of precipitates in Zircaloy", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 571, pp. 153988
  • Zefeng Yu, Xinyuan Xu, Wei-Ying Chen, Yogesh Sharma, Xing Wang, Aiping Chen, Christopher J Ulmer and Arthur T Motta, 2022, "In-situ irradiation-induced studies of grain growth kinetics of nanocrystalline UO2", Acta Materialia, 231, pp. 117856
  • Seok Bin Seo, Edward M Duchnowski, Arthur T Motta, Bruce F Kammenzind and Nicholas R Brown, 2022, "Sensitivity analysis for characterizing the impact of HNGD model on the prediction of hydrogen redistribution in Zircaloy cladding using BISON code", Nuclear Engineering and Design, 393, pp. 111813
  • Florian Passelaigue, Pierre-Clement A. Simon and Arthur T Motta, 2022, "Predicting the hydride rim by improving the solubility limits in the Hydride Nucleation-Growth-Dissolution (HNGD) model.", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 558
  • Pierre-Clement A Simon, Larry Aagesen, Andrea Jokisaari, Arthur T Motta, Long-Qing Chen, Mark R Daymond and Michael R Tonks, 2021, "Investigation of d zirconium hydride morphology in a single crystal using quantitative phase field simulations supported by experiments", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 183, (557)
  • Ece Alat, Jing Hu, Douglas E Wolfe and Arthur T Motta, 2021, "Corrosion and Ion Irradiation Behavior of Ceramic-Coated Nuclear Fuel Cladding", Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 19th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1597, pp. 149-171
  • Evrard Lacroix, Pierre-Clement Simon, Jon Almer and Arthur T Motta, 2021, "Zirconium Hydride Precipitation and Dissolution Kinetics in Zirconium Alloys", Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 19th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1597, pp. 67-91
  • Brendan Ensor, Gene Lucadamo, John Seidensticker, Ram Bajaj, Zhonghou Cai and Arthur T Motta, 2021, "Characterization of Long-Term, In-Reactor Zircaloy-4 Corrosion Coupons and the Impact of Flux, Fluence, and Temperature on Oxide Growth, Stress Development, Phase Formation, and Grain Size", Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 19th International Symposium, ASTM STP 1597, pp. 588-619
  • Christopher J. Ulmer, Wei-Ying Chen, Douglas E Wolfe and Arthur T Motta, 2021, "In-situ ion irradiation induced grain growth in nanocrystalline ceria", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 545, pp. 152688
  • M. Ayanoglu and Arthur T Motta, 2021, "Void shrinkage in 21Cr32Ni austenitic model alloy during in-situ ion irradiation", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 543, pp. 152636
  • Pierre-Clement A. Simon, Cailon Frank, Long-Qing Chen, Mark R. Daymond, Michael Tonks and Arthur T Motta, 2021, "Quantifying the effect of hydride microstructure on zirconium alloys embrittlement using image analysis", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 547
  • M. Ayanoglu, C. J. Ulmer and Arthur T Motta, 2021, "Characterization of in-situ ion irradiated Fe-21Cr-32Ni austenitic model alloy and alloy 800H at low doses", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 555
  • Florian Passelaigue, Evrard Lacroix, Giovanni Pastore and Arthur T Motta, 2021, "Implementation and Validation of the Hydride Nucleation-Growth-Dissolution (HNGD) model in BISON", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 544
  • Seo, Seok Bin, Edward Matthew Duchnowski, Miles O'Neal, Arthur T Motta, Florian Passelaigue, Soyoung Kang, Giovanni Pastore, Annalisa Manera, Victor Petrov, Pei-Hsun Huang and Nicholas Brown, 2021, "Sensitivity analysis of BISON model for characterization of impact of experimental parameters on hydrogen migration and redistribution in zirconium-based alloys", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 550
  • Brendan Ensor, Ashley Lucente, John Seidensticker, Arthur T Motta and Zhonghou Cai, 2021, "Investigation of breakaway corrosion observed during oxide growth in pure and low alloying element content Zr exposed in water at 360°C”, Journal of Nuclear Materials", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 558, (153358)
  • Peng Wang, Josh Bowman, Mukesh Bachhav, Bruce Kammenzind, Richard Smith, Jesse Carter, Arthur T Motta, Evrard Lacroix and Gary Was, 2021, "Emulation of neutron damage with proton irradiation and its effects on microstructure and microchemistry of Zircaloy-4", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 557
  • Arthur T Motta, Pierre-Clement A Simon, Michael R Tonks and Larry Aagesen, 2020, "The effects of introducing elasticity using different interpolation schemes to the grand potential phase field model", Computational Materials Science, 183
  • Ece Alat, Michael J Brova, Ian Younker, Arthur T Motta, Massimiliano Fratoni and Douglas E Wolfe, 2019, "Neutronic and mechanical evaluation of rare earth doped and undoped nitride-based coatings for accident tolerant fuels", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 518, pp. 419-430
  • Tae Wook Heo, Kimberly B. Colas, Arthur T Motta and Long-Qing Chen, 2019, "A phase-field model for hydride formation in polycrystalline metals: Application to delta-hydride in zirconium alloys", Acta Materialia, 181, pp. 262-277
  • Brendan Ensor, David J. Spengler, John R. Seidensticker, Ram Bajaj, Zhonghou Cai and Arthur T Motta, 2019, "Microbeam synchrotron radiation diffraction and fluorescence of oxide layers formed on zirconium alloys at different corrosion temperatures", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 526
  • Arthur T Motta, Laurent Capolungo, Long-Qing Chen, Mahmut Nedim Cinbiz, Mark R. Daymond, Donald A. Koss, Evrard Lacroix, Giovanni Pastore, Pierre-Clement A. Simon, Michael Tonks, Brian D. Wirth and Mohammed A. Zikry, 2019, "Hydrogen in zirconium alloys: A review", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 518, pp. 440-460
  • Muhammet Ayanoglu and Arthur T Motta, 2018, "Microstructural evolution of the 21Cr32Ni model alloy under irradiation", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 510, pp. 297-311
  • Muhammet Ayanoglu and Arthur T Motta, 2018, "Swelling Behavior of Fe-21Cr-32Ni Model Alloy", Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 119
  • Evrard Lacroix, Arthur T Motta and Jonathan D. Almer, 2018, "Experimental Determination of Zirconium hydride precipitation and dissolution in zirconium alloy", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 509, pp. 162-167
  • David Fobar, Arthur T Motta, Xuan D. Xiao, Milos Burger and Igor Jovanovic, 2018, "Robotic Delivery of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Sensitive Chlorine Measurement in Dry Cask Storage Systems", Progress in Nuclear Energy, 109, pp. 188–194
  • Xuan Xiao, Samuel LeBerre, David G Fobar, Milos Burger, Peter J Skrodzki, Kyle C Hartig, Arthur T Motta and Igor Jovanovic, 2018, "Measurement of chlorine concentration on steel surfaces via fiber-optic laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in double-pulse configuration", Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 141, pp. 44-52
  • Christopher J Ulmer and Arthur T Motta, 2018, "Characterization of faulted dislocation loops and cavities in ion irradiated alloy 800H", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 498, pp. 458-467
  • Arthur T Motta, 2017, "Mechanistic Understanding of Zirconium Alloy Fuel Cladding Performance", ASTM STP 1597 18th International Symposium on Zr in the Nuclear Industry, pp. pp.19-35
  • Adrien Couet, Arthur T Motta, Robert J Comstock and Antoine Ambard, 2017, "Hydrogen Pick-Up Mechanism in Zirconium Alloys", ASTM STP 1597 18th International Symposium on Zr in the Nuclear Industry, pp. pp.312-349
  • Adytha Shivprasad, Arthur T Motta, Aylin Kucuk, Suresh Yagnik and Zhonghou J Cai, 2017, "Microbeam X-Ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectroscopy of Oxide Layers in Irradiated Zircaloy-2", ASTM STP 1597 18th International Symposium on Zr in the Nuclear Industry, pp. pp. 524-554
  • Mahmut N Cinbiz, Arthur T Motta, Donald A Koss and Michael Billone, 2017, "Hydride Reorientation in Zircaloy-4 Under Different States of Stress as Studied With in Situ X-Ray Diffraction", ASTM STP 1597 18th International Symposium on Zr in the Nuclear Industry, pp. pp.1252-1255
  • Xuan Xiao, Samuel Le Berre, Kyle Hartig, Arthur T Motta and Igor Jovanovic, 2017, "Surrogate Measurement of Chlorine Concentration on Steel Surfaces by Alkali Element Detection via Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy", Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy (SAB), 130, pp. 67-74
  • Ian Davis, Olivier Courty, Maria Avramova and Arthur T Motta, 2017, "High-fidelity multi-physics coupling for determination of hydride distribution in Zr-4 cladding", Annals of Nuclear Energy, 110, pp. 475-485
  • Mahmut N. Cinbiz, Donald A. Koss, Arthur T Motta, Jun-Sang Park and Jonathan D. Almer, 2017, "In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of hydrides in Zircaloy-4 during thermomechanical cycling", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 487, pp. 247-259
  • Adrien Couet, Arthur T Motta, Antoine Ambard and Didier Livigni, 2017, "In-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements of zirconium alloy oxide conductivity: Relationship to hydrogen pickup", Corrosion Science, 119, pp. 1-13
  • Christopher J. Ulmer and Arthur T Motta, 2017, "Modeling thermal spike driven reactions at low temperature and application to zirconium carbide radiation damage", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 410, pp. 200-206
  • Michael J. Brova, Ece Alat, Mark A. Pauley, Rachel Sherbondy, Arthur T Motta and Douglas E Wolfe, 2017, "Undoped and ytterbium-doped titanium aluminum nitride coatings for improved oxidation behavior of nuclear fuel cladding", Surface and Coatings Technology, 331, pp. 163-171
  • Ece Alat, Arthur T Motta, Robert J. Comstock, Jonna M. Partezana and Douglas E Wolfe, 2016, "Ceramic coating for corrosion (c3) resistance of nuclear fuel cladding(vol 281pg 133, 2015)", Surface and Coatings Technology, 304, pp. 620
  • Mohamed S. Elbakhshwan, Simerjeet K. Gill, Arthur T Motta, Randy Weidner, Thomas Anderson and Lynne E. Ecker, 2016, "Sample environment for in situ synchrotron corrosion studies ofmaterials in extreme environments", Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, (10)
  • Ece Alat, Arthur T Motta, Robert J. Comstock, Jonna M. Partezana and Douglas E Wolfe, 2016, "Multilayer (TiN, TiAlN) ceramic coatings for nuclear fuel cladding", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 478, pp. 236-244
  • Mahmut N. Cinbiz, Donald A. Koss and Arthur T Motta, 2016, "The influence of stress state on the reorientation of hydrides in a zirconium alloy", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 477, pp. 157-164
  • M. Desormeaux, B. Rouxel, Arthur T Motta, M. Kirk, C. Bisor, Y. de Carlan and A. Legris, 2016, "Development of radiation damage during in-situ Kr++ irradiation ofFe-Ni-Cr model austenitic steels", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 475, pp. 156-167
  • Arthur T Motta, Adrien Couet and Robert J. Comstock, 2015, "Corrosion of zirconium alloys used for nuclear fuel cladding", Annual Review of Materials Research, 45, pp. 311-343
  • Arthur T Motta, T.R. Allen , D. Kaoumi , J.P. Wharry , Z. Jiao , C. Topbasi , A. Kohnert , L. Barnard , A. Certain , K.G. Field , G.S. Was , D.L. Morgan , B.D. Wirth and , Y. Yang , 2015, "Characterization of microstructure and property evolution in advanced cladding and duct: Materials exposed to high dose and elevated temperature", Journal of Materials Research, 30, pp. 1246-1274
  • Benoit de Gabory, Arthur T Motta and Ke Wang, 2015, "Transmission electron microscopy characterization of Zircaloy-4 and ZIRLO oxide layers", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 456, pp. 272-280
  • E. Alat, Arthur T Motta, R. J. Comstock, J. M. Partezana and Douglas E Wolfe, 2015, "Ceramic coating for corrosion (c3) resistance of nuclear fuel cladding", Surface & Coatings Technology, 281, pp. 133-143
  • T. R. Allen, D. Kaoumi, J. P. Wharry, Z. J. Jiao, C. Topbasi, A. Kohnert, L. Barnard, A. Certain, K. G. Field, G. S. Was, D. L. Morgan, Arthur T Motta, B. D. Wirth and Y. Yang, 2015, "Characterization of microstructure and property evolution in advanced cladding and duct: Materials exposed to high dose and elevated temperature", Journal of Materials Research, 30, (9), pp. 1246-1274
  • D. J. Spengler, Arthur T Motta, R. Bajaj, J. R. Seidensticker and Z. H. Cai, 2015, "Characterization of Zircaloy-4 corrosion films using microbeam synchrotron radiation", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 464, pp. 107-118
  • B. de Gabory, Y. Dong, Arthur T Motta and E. A. Marquis, 2015, "EELS and atom probe tomography study of the evolution of the metal/oxide interface during zirconium alloy oxidation", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 462, pp. 304-309
  • Y. Liu, I. Bhamji, P. J. Withers, Douglas E Wolfe, Arthur T Motta and M. Preuss, 2015, "Evaluation of the interfacial shear strength and residual stress of TiAlN coating on ZIRLO (TM) fuel cladding using a modified shear-lag model approach", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 466, pp. 718-727
  • O. F. Courty, Arthur T Motta, C. J. Piotrowski and J. D. Almer, 2015, "Hydride precipitation kinetics in Zircaloy-4 studied using synchrotron X-ray diffraction", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 461, pp. 180-185
  • C. J. Ulmer, Arthur T Motta and M. A. Kirk, 2015, "In situ ion irradiation of zirconium carbide", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 466, pp. 606-614
  • J. Y. Park, I. H. Kim, Arthur T Motta, C. J. Ulmer, M. A. Kirk, E. A. Ryan and P. M. Baldo, 2015, "Irradiation-induced disordering and amorphization of Al3Ti-based intermetallic compounds", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 467, pp. 601-606
  • C. Topbasi, D. Kaoumi, Arthur T Motta and M. A. Kirk, 2015, "Microstructural evolution in NF616 (P92) and Fe-9Cr-0.1C-model alloy under heavy ion irradiation", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 466, pp. 179-186
  • A. Couet, Arthur T Motta and A. Ambard, 2015, "The coupled current charge compensation model for zirconium alloy fuel cladding oxidation: I. Parabolic oxidation of zirconium alloys", Corrosion Science, 100, pp. 73-84
  • Adrien Couet, Arthur T Motta and Robert J Comstock, 2014, "Hydrogen pickup measurements in zirconium alloys: Relation to oxidation kinetics", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 451, (1-3), pp. 1-13
  • A Couet, Arthur T Motta, B de Gabory and Z Cai, 2014, "Microbeam X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy study of the oxidation of Fe and Nb in zirconium alloy oxide layers", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 452, pp. 311-320
  • O Courty, Arthur T Motta and J D Hales, 2014, "Modeling and simulation of hydrogen behavior in Zircaloy-4 fuel cladding", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 452, pp. 311-320
  • Y. Dong, Arthur T Motta and E. A. Marquis, 2013, "Atom probe tomography study of alloying element distributions in Zr alloys and their oxides", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 442, (1-3), pp. 270-281
  • J. Bischoff, Arthur T Motta, C. Eichfeld, R. J. Comstock, G. Cao and T. R. Allen, 2013, "Corrosion of ferritic-martensitic steels in steam and supercritical water", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 441, (1-3), pp. 604-611
  • K. B. Colas, Arthur T Motta, M. R. Daymond and J. D. Almer, 2013, "Effect of thermo-mechanical cycling on zirconium hydride reorientation studied in situ with synchrotron X-ray diffraction", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 440, pp. 586-595
  • A. Couet, Arthur T Motta, R. J. Comstock and R. L. Paul, 2012, "Cold neutron prompt gamma activation analysis, a non-destructive technique for hydrogen level assessment in zirconium alloys", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 425, pp. 211-217
  • C. Topbasi, Arthur T Motta and M. A. Kirk, 2012, "In situ study of heavy ion induced radiation damage in NF616 (P92) alloy", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 425, pp. 48-53
  • J. Bischoff and Arthur T Motta, 2012, "Oxidation behavior of ferritic-martensitic and ODS steels in supercritical water", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 424, pp. 261-276
  • J. Bischoff and Arthur T Motta, 2012, "EFTEM and EELS analysis of the oxide layer formed on HCM12A exposed to SCW", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 430, pp. 171-180
  • Arthur T Motta and L.-Q. Chen, 2012, "Hydride formation in Zirconium alloys", Journal of Metals, 64, pp. 1403-1408
  • Arthur T Motta, 2011, "Waterside corrosion in zirconium alloys", Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (JOM), 63, (8), pp. 59-63
  • J. Desquines, D. A. Koss, Arthur T Motta, B. Cazalis and M. Petit, 2011, "The issue of stress state during mechanical tests to assess cladding performance during a reactivity-initiated accident (RIA)", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 412, pp. 250-267
  • C. Bisor-Melloul, M. Tupin, P. Bossis, J. Chene, J. L. Bechade and Arthur T Motta, 2011, "Understanding of hydriding mechanisms during corrosion in PWR simulated conditions and influence of zirconium hydrides on corrosion", Revue Generale Nucleaire, (2), pp. 111-116
  • K. B. Colas, Arthur T Motta, J. D. Almer, M. R. Daymond, M. Kerr, A. D. Banchik, P. Vizcaino and J. R. Santisteban, 2010, "In situ study of hydride precipitation kinetics and re-orientation in Zircaloy using synchrotron radiation", Acta Materialia, 58, pp. 6575-6583
  • K. B. Colas, Arthur T Motta, M. R. Daymond, M. Kerr and J. D. Almer, 2010, "Hydride platelet reorientation in Zircaloy studied with synchrotron radiation diffraction", Journal of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International, 8, (1), pp. JAI103033
  • M. A. Kirk, P. M. Baldo, A. C. Y. Liu, E. A. Ryan, R. C. Birtcher, Z. Yao, S. Xu, M. L. Jenkins, M. Hernandez-Mayoral, D. Kaoumi and Arthur T Motta, 2009, "In-situ TEM and ion irradiation of ferritic materials", Microscopy and Research Technique, 72, pp. 182-186
  • R. S. Daum, Y. S. Chu and Arthur T Motta, 2009, "Identification and quantification of hydride phases in Zircaloy-4 cladding using synchrotron radiation diffraction", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 392, (3), pp. 453-463
  • A. D. Siwy, T. E. Clark and Arthur T Motta, 2009, "Transmission electron microscopy of oxide development on 9Cr ODS in supercritical water", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 392, pp. 280-285
  • J. B. Bischoff, Arthur T Motta and R. J. Comstock, 2009, "Evolution of the oxide structure of 9CrODS exposed to supercritical water", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 392, pp. 272-279
  • J. Bentley, D. T. Hoelzer, J. T. Busby, A. G. Certain, T. R. Allen, D. Kaoumi, Arthur T Motta and M. A. Kirk, 2009, "TEM characterization of crept and irradiated nano-structured ferritic alloys", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15, (S2), pp. 1350-1351
  • D. Kaoumi, Arthur T Motta and R. C. Birtcher, 2008, "Influence of alloying elements on grain-growth in Zr(Fe) and Cu(Fe) thin-films under in-situ ion irradiation", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 382, (2-3), pp. 184-189
  • J. Busby, T. S. Byun, R. Klueh, P. Maziasz, J. Vitek, K. Natesan, M. Li, R. Wright, S. Maloy, M. Toloczko, Arthur T Motta, B. D. Wirth, G. R. Odette and T. R. Allen, 2008, "Candidate developmental alloys for improved structural materials for advanced fast reactors"
  • Arthur T Motta and A. Pineau, 2008, "Sommaire sur le RIA et evaluation de la strategie IRSN"
  • P. A. Raynaud, D. A. Koss, Arthur T Motta and K. S. Chan, 2008, "Fracture toughness of hydrided Zircaloy-4 sheet under through-thickness crack growth conditions", Journal of ASTM International, 5, (1)
  • Arthur T Motta, M. J. Gomes da Silva, A. Yilmazbayhan, R. J. Comstock, J. Ilavsky, Z. Cai and B. Lai, 2008, "Microstructural characterization of oxides formed on model Zr alloys using synchrotron radiation", Journal of ASTM International, 5, (2)
  • D. Kaoumi, Arthur T Motta and R. C. Birtcher, 2007, "Grain growth in nanocrystalline metal thin films under in situ ion-beam irradiation", Journal of ASTM International, 4, (8)
  • Arthur T Motta, A. Yilmazbayhan, M. J. Gomes da Silva, R. J. Comstock, G. S. Was, J. T. Busby, E. Gartner, Q. Peng, Y. H. Jeong and J. Y. Park, 2007, "Zirconium alloys for supercritical water reactor applications: Challenges and possibilities", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 371, (1-3), pp. 61-75
  • Q. Peng, E. Gartner, J. T. Busby, Arthur T Motta and G. S. Was, 2007, "Corrosion behavior of model zirconium alloys in deaerated supercritical water at 500ºC", Corrosion, 63, (6), pp. 577-590
  • A. Yilmazbayhan, E. Breval, Arthur T Motta and R. J. Comstock, 2006, "Transmission electron microscopy examination of oxide layers formed in Zr alloys", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 349, pp. 265-281
  • D. Kaoumi, Arthur T Motta and R. C. Birtcher, 2006, "Grain growth in metallic thin films during in situ ion irradiation in A TEM", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 242, pp. 490-493
  • Arthur T Motta, Aylin Yilmazbayhan, Robert J. Comstock, Jonna M. Partezana, George P. Sabol, Barry Lai and Zhonghou Cai, 2005, "Microstructure and growth mechanism of oxide layers formed in Zr alloys studied with micro beam synchrotron radiation", Journal of ASTM International, 2, (5)
  • Andrew Glendening, Donald A. Koss, Olivier N. Pierron, Arthur T Motta and Robert S. Daum, 2005, "Failure of hydrided Zircaloy-4 under equal-biaxial and plane-strain tensile deformation", Journal of ASTM International, 2, (6)
  • D. R. Olander and Arthur T Motta, 2005, "A new book: 'Light-water reactor materials'", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 37, (4), pp. 309-316
  • A. Yilmazbayhan, Arthur T Motta, R. J. Comstock, G. P. Sabol, B. Lai and Z. Cai, 2004, "Structure of zirconium alloy oxides formed in pure water studied with synchrotron radiation and optical microscopy: Relation to corrosion rate", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 324, pp. 6-22
  • O. N. Pierron, D. A. Koss and Arthur T Motta, 2003, "Tensile specimen geometry and the constitutive behavior of Zircaloy 4", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 312, pp. 257-261
  • O. N. Pierron, D. A. Koss, Arthur T Motta and K. S. Chan, 2003, "The influence of hydride blisters on the fracture of Zircaloy-4", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 322, pp. 21-35
  • A. Yilmazbayhan, O. Delaire, Arthur T Motta, R. C. Birtcher, J. M. Maser and B. Lai, 2003, "Determination of the Alloying Content in the Matrix of Zr Alloys Using Synchrotron Radiation Microprobe X-Ray Fluorescence", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 321, pp. 221-232
  • S. E. Cumblidge, Arthur T Motta, G. L. Catchen, J. Boehmert and G. Brauer, 2003, "Evidence for Irradiation-Induced Metallic Precipitates in Neutron Irradiated Model Alloys and Pressure Vessel Weld Steel", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 302, pp. 245-257
  • R. S. Daum, S. Majumdar, H. Tsai, T. S. Bray, D. A. Koss, Arthur T Motta and M. C. Billone, 2002, "Mechanical property testing of irradiated Zircaloy cladding under reactor transient conditions", pp. pp. 195
  • Arthur T Motta, K. T. Erwin, O. Delaire, R. C. Birtcher, Y. Chu, J. Maser, D. Mancini and B. Lai, 2002, "Synchrotron radiation study of second phase particles and alloying elements in Zircaloy-4", pp. 59-76
  • N. Poynor, S. E. Cumblidge, R. L. Rasera, G. L. Catchen and Arthur T Motta, 2002, "Hyperfine interactions of 181Ta in Zr2Ni observed using PAC spectroscopy", Hyperfine Interactions, 136, (3), pp. 549-553
  • Yan Dong, Arthur T Motta and Emmanuelle Marquis, , "Multi-scale Characterization of Oxidized Zirconium Alloys", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 22, (S3), pp. 1496-1497
  • Christopher J. Ulmer and Arthur T Motta, , "Characterization of faulted dislocation loops and cavities in ion irradiated alloy 800H", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 410, pp. 200-206

Conference Proceedings

  • Clifford J Lissenden, Igor Jovanovic, Arthur T Motta, Xuan Xiao, Samuel Le Berre, David G Fobar, Hwanjeong Cho and Sungho Choi, 2018, "Remote detection of stress corrosion cracking: Surface composition and crack detection", 1949, pp. 110003-1 to 110003-10
  • Evrard Lacroix and Arthur T Motta, 2018, "Hydrogen Precipitation Kinetics Measurement in Zircaloy-4 Using Synchrotron Irradiation X-Ray Diffraction", ANS, Philadelphia, Vol. 118, pp. 1417-1419
  • Evrard Lacroix and Arthur T Motta, 2016, "Validation of BISON Calculation of Hydrogen Distribution by Comparison to Experiment", pp. 263-272
  • Brendan M Ensor, Arthur T Motta, John Seidensticker, Ram Bajaj and Zhonghou Cai, 2015, "XANES analysis of iron in Zircaloy-4 oxides formed at different temperatures studied with microbeam synchrotron radiation", ANS LWR Fuel Performance Meeting, TopFuel 2015, paper A0191
  • Christopher Dances, Christopher Piotroski, Michael Mankosa, Kostadin Ivanov, Maria Avramova and Arthur Motta, 2014, "Anisotropic azimuthal power and temperature distribution impact on hydride distribution", Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 111, pp. 122-125
  • A. Couet, Arthur T Motta, R. J. Comstock and A. Ambard, 2014, "Oxide electronic conductivity and hydrogen pickup fraction in Zr alloys", 2014 Annual Meeting on Transactions of the American Nuclear Society and Embedded Topical Meeting: Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors, NSFM 2014, pp. 845-848
  • A Couet, A T Motta and R J Comstock, 2014, "Effect of alloying elements on hydrogen pickup in zirconium alloys", 17th Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry, ASTM STP 1543., ASTM International, pp. 1-33
  • Kimberly Colas, Arthur T Motta, Mark R. Daymond and Jonathan Almer, 2014, "Mechanisms of hydride reorientation in Zircaloy-4 studied in situ", Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 17th International Symposium, STP 1543, ASTM International, pp. 1107-1137
  • B. de Gabory and Arthur T Motta, 2013, "Structure of Zircaloy 4 oxides formed during autoclave corrosion", ANS LWR Fuel Performance Meeting, TopFuel 2013
  • I. Davis, O. Courty, M. Avramova, Arthur T Motta and K. N. Ivanov, 2013, "High fidelity multi-physics coupling for prediction of anisotropic azimuthal power and temperature distribution on fuel rod: Impact on hydride distribution", Proceedings of the 15th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-15)
  • K. B. Colas, Arthur T Motta, M. R. Daymond, J. Almer and Z. Cai, 2011, "Hydride behavior in Zircaloy-4 during thermomechanical cycling", 15th International Symposium on Environmental Degradation of Materials Nuclear Power Plants
  • J. B. Bischoff and Arthur T Motta, 2011, "Comparison of the oxidation behavior of the 14 CrODS alloy in steam and supercritical water", 15th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors
  • A. Kohnert, T. Faney, B. D. Wirth, D. Kaoumi, C. Topbasi and Arthur T Motta, 2011, "Cluster dynamics modeling of defect evolution in ferritic martensitic iron chrome alloys", 15th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, (ICFRM-15)
  • C. Topbasi, Arthur T Motta and M. A. Kirk, 2011, "Microstructure evolution of advanced ferritic-martensitic steels under 1 MeV Kr irradiation", 15th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials, (ICFRM-15)
  • Arthur T Motta, J. B. Bischoff, A. Siwy, M. J. Gomes da Silva, R. J. Comstock, Z. Cai and B. Lai, 2009, "Characterization of oxide layers formed during corrosion in supercritical water", Proceedings of the 17th NACE International Corrosion Congress
  • J. B. Bischoff, Arthur T Motta, Y. Chen and T. R. Allen, 2009, "Oxidation of 9CrODS exposed to supercritical water", Proceedings of the NACE 2009 Corrosion Conference
  • M. E. Flanagan, D. A. Koss and Arthur T Motta, 2008, "The influence of hydrogen on the deformation behavior of Zircaloy-4", Proceedings of the 2008 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting
  • J. B. Bischoff, Arthur T Motta, L. Tan and T. R. Allen, 2008, "Influence of alloy microstructure on oxide growth in HCM12A in supercritical water", Materials Research Society (MRS) Proceedings Symposium R: Materials for Future Fusion and Fission Technologies
  • J. Kunkle, Arthur T Motta, R. J. Comstock and P. Hosemann, 2008, "Characterization of HT-9 ferritic-martensitic steels oxidized in lead bismuth eutectic", Transactions of the American Nuclear Society and Embedded Topical Meetings: Isotopes for Medicine and Industry and Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors (NFSM), pp. 1115-1116
  • D. Kaoumi, Arthur T Motta and M. A. Kirk, 2008, "Characterization and in-situ ion-irradiation of MA957 ODS steel", Transactions of the American Nuclear Society and Embedded Topical Meetings: Isotopes for Medicine and Industry and Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials fr the Next Generation Nuclear Reactors (NFSM), pp. 1113-1114
  • Arthur T Motta, A. D. Siwy, J. M. Kunkle, J. B. Bischoff, R. J. Comstock, Y. Chen and T. R. Allen, 2007, "Microbeam synchrotron radiation diffraction and fluorescence study of oxide layers formed on 9CrODS steel in supercritical water", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Systems-Water Reactors
  • P. A. Raynaud, M. J. Meholic, D. A. Koss, Arthur T Motta and K. S. Chan, 2007, "Influence of hydride microstructure on through-thickness crack growth in Zircaloy-4 sheet", Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Systems-Water Reactors
  • P. A. Raynaud, D. A. Koss, Arthur T Motta and K. S. Chan, 2007, "Fracture of hydrided Zircaloy-4 sheet under through-thickness crack growth conditions", Proceedings of the 2007 International LWR Fuel Performance Meeting
  • Y. H. Jeong, J. Y. Park, H. G. Kim, J. T. Busby, E. L. Gartner, M. Atzmon, G. S. Was, R. J. Comstock, M. Silva and Arthur T Motta, 2006, "Corrosion of Zr-based fuel cladding alloys in supercritical water", Proceedings of the 12th Int. Conference on Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Systems: Water Reactors, pp. 1369-1377
  • A. Yilmazbayhan, Arthur T Motta, H. G. Kim, Y. H. Jeong, J. Y. Park and R. J. Comstock, 2006, "Characterization of oxides formed on model zirconium alloys in 360 C water using synchrotron radiation", Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power System – Water Reactors, pp. 201-210
  • D. Kaoumi, Arthur T Motta and R. C. Birtcher, 2006, "Irradiation-enhanced second-phase precipitation in Zr-Fe nanocrystalline thin films", Proceedings of the Symposium on Growth, Modification, and Analysis by Ion Beams at the Nanoscale, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 908E, pp. 0908-OO04-04.1 - 4.6
  • Arthur T Motta, A. Yilmazbayhan, R. Comstock, B. Lai and Z. Cai, 2004, "Using small X-ray beams to understand corrosion in nuclear fuel cladding", Proceedings of IMECE04; 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress
  • R. S. Daum, D. W. Bates, D. A. Koss and Arthur T Motta, 2003, "The Influence of a Hydrided Layer on the Fracture of Zircaloy-4 Cladding Tubes", Hydrogen Effects on Material Behavior and Corrosion Deformation Interactions, pp. 249-258
  • Arthur T Motta, R. A. Holt and U. Colak, 2003, "Irradiation growth in zirconium at low temperatures by direct athermal deposition of vacancies at extended sinks", 11th ASTM International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, World Scientific, New Jersey, pp. 278-285
  • O. N. Pierron, D. A. Koss, Arthur T Motta, R. S. Daum and K. S. Chan, 2002, "Failure of Zircaloy-4 sheet containing hydride blisters", Proceedings of the Nuclear Safety Research Conference
  • R. S. Daum, S. Majumdar, M. C. Billone, D. W. Bates, D. A. Koss and Arthur T Motta, 2002, "On the embrittlement of Zircaloy-4 under RIA relevant conditions", 13th International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry, pp. 696-713
  • Adrien Couet, Arthur T Motta and Robert J Comstock, , "Effect of Alloying Elements on Hydrogen Pickup in Zirconium Alloys", 17th ASTM International Symposium on Zr in the Nuclear Industry, STP, (1543), pp. 479-513


  • Adrien Couet, Arthur T Motta, Benoit de Gabory and Zhonghou Cai, 2014, "Microbeam X-Ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy study of the oxidation of Fe and Nb in zirconium alloy oxide layers", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 452, pp. 614-627
  • C. Topbasi, Arthur T Motta and M. A. Kirk, 2011, "In-situ study of heavy ion induced radiation damage in NF616 (P92) alloy", Journal of Nuclear Materials
  • A. Couet, Arthur T Motta, B. De Gabory and Z. Cai, , "X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy study of Fe and Nb oxidation states evolution in Zircaloy-4, ZIRLO, Zr-2.5Nb and Zr-0.4Fe-0.2Cr oxide layers", Journal of Nuclear Materials
  • P. A. Raynaud, D. A. Koss and Arthur T Motta, , "Crack growth in the through-thickness direction of hydrided thin-wall Zircaloy sheet", Journal of Nuclear Materials, 420, (1), pp. 69-82


  • Pierre-Clement A. Simon, Larry K. Aagesen, Arthur T Motta and Michael Tonks, 2021, "The effects of introducing elasticity using different interpolation schemes to the grand potential phase field model (vol 183, 109790, 2020)", Computational Materials Science, 194
  • J. R. M.-L. Lescoat, A. Gentils, O. Kaitasov, E. Marquis, Arthur T Motta, M. Kirk and Y. de Carlan, 2012, "Stability of 18 chromium ODS steels under ion-irradiation"
  • T. W. Heo, K. B. Colas, Arthur T Motta and L.-Q. Chen, 2012, "Phase-field simulation and experimental measurements of delta-hydride precipitation in Zr-alloys"
  • C. Lemaignan and Arthur T Motta, , "Zirconium alloys in nuclear reactors"
  • Arthur T Motta, , "Light water reactor materials", American Nuclear Society
  • Arthur T Motta, , "Rapid access to 1BM diffraction beam line", Advanced Photon Source

Research Projects

  • January 2022 - January 2026, "Hydride Precipitation in Zirconium Alloys Under Stress," (Sponsor: Fluor Marine Propulsion, LLC [MP]).
  • October 2023 - September 2026, "Accelerating the Qualification of Materials to enable Rapid Deployment of Advanced Reactors," (Sponsor: University of Michigan).
  • October 2022 - September 2025, "Understanding of ATF Cladding Performance under Radiation using MITR," (Sponsor: Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
  • October 2021 - September 2025, "Estimation of low temperature cladding failures during an RIA transient," (Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy).
  • May 2018 - September 2024, "NEUP: High Fidelity Simulation of High Dose Neutron Irradiation," (Sponsor: The Regents of the University of Michigan).

Honors and Awards

  • Arthur H. Compton Award in Education, American Nuclear Society, June 2024
  • Honorary Foreign Member Medal, Société Française de Métallurgie et Matériaux, November 2023
  • John Schemel Award for Best Paper in the ASTM 19th International Symposium on Zr in the Nuclear Industry, ASTM, 2021
  • Distinguished Technical Lecturer, Department of Nuclear Engineering, North Carolina State University, February 2019
  • Best Poster in Nuclear Research and Experiment, Intern Expo, Idaho National Laboratory, August 2019
  • 2016 Leaders of Engineering Lecture, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Mechanical Aerospace and Nuclear Engineering Department, March 2016
  • William J. Kroll Medal, ASTM, May 2016
  • Mishima Award, American Nuclear Society, April 2015
  • Fellow of the American Nuclear Society, American Nuclear Society, November 2014


Service to Penn State:

  • Committee Work, Member, NucE Qualifying Oral Exam Committee, January 2024 - December 2024
  • Committee Work, Member, Search Committee for Staff Coordinator, November 2023 - November 2023
  • Committee Work, Member, Graduate Studies Committee, August 2023
  • Committee Work, Member, Associate Dean for Faculty Selection Committee, December 2021 - March 2022
  • Committee Work, Chairperson, Graduate Studies Committee, August 2021 - July 2023
  • Committee Work, Chairperson, NucE Faculty Search Committee, August 2019 - June 2022
  • Committee Work, Member, NucE Leadership Committee, August 2019
  • Committee Work, Chairperson, NucE Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee, August 2019
  • Committee Work, Chairperson, NucE Faculty Search Committee, August 2018 - May 2019
  • Committee Work, Member, NucE Dept Head Search Committee, October 2018 - May 2019
  • Other, Energy Days Session Organizer and Moderator, January 2017 - May 2017
  • Committee Work, Member, MNE Promotion and Tenure Committee, August 2017 - June 2019
  • Committee Work, Chairperson, Improvement in the NucE Curriculum and Lab, September 2017 - June 2018
  • Committee Work, Coordinator, Graduate Chair for NucE, August 2015 - August 2023
  • Committee Work, ABET Coordinator for NucE, June 2015 - June 2018
  • Committee Work, Chairperson, NucE Qualifying Exam Committee, August 2015 - 2022
  • Committee Work, Coordinator, Coordinator for Online NucE Graduate Program, August 2015
  • Committee Work, Coordinator, Westinghouse Fellows Program, August 2015 - August 2021
  • Committee Work, Member, NucE Qualifying Oral Exam Committee, August 2015 - 2022
  • Academic Leadership and Support Work, Chair of the Nuclear Engineering program, July 2010 - July 2019
  • Committee Work, Member, MNE Graduate Policy Committee, September 2010 - June 2018
  • Committee Work, Member, MNE Graduate Admissions, 2010 - June 2018
  • Assessment Activities, Judge, Graduate Day Presentations Judge, Dept of Nuclear Engineering, September 2024

Service to External Organizations:

  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Evaluator, Working Group Member, SIP Working Group on Structural Materials Selection for SAM-3 Irradiation Campaign, October 2024 - November 2025
  • Service to Public and Private Organizations, Other, Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization (NEDHO), June 2019 - December 2019
  • Service to Public and Private Organizations, Other, Chair, Member of Executive Committee, Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization (NEDHO), June 2018 - June 2022
  • Service to Public and Private Organizations, Other, Chair, Chair, Nuclear Engineering Department Heads Organization (NEDHO), June 2018 - June 2019
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Co-Organizer, NuMat 2016 Track 2 Chair, Elsevier, February 2016 - November 2016
  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, General Symposium Chair, 19th ASTM International Symposium on Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry, ASTM, May 2019
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, External Reviewer, Scholarship Awards by the Department of Energy - NEUP, March 2023
  • Service to Governmental Agencies, Evaluator, Infrastructure Research Awards by the Department of Energy - NEUP, Review Panel, November 2023



The Ken and Mary Alice Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering at Penn State is one of the top ranked nuclear engineering programs in the United States. The department distinguishes itself with a strong focus on experimental research. The actively growing department leads four educational programs for students pursuing a bachelor of science, a master of science, a master of engineering, or a doctoral degree. The Radiation Science and Engineering Center (RSEC) facilities, including the Breazeale Reactor, are available to nuclear engineering faculty and students at Penn State for research and instruction. RSEC houses the Breazeale Nuclear Reactor, the country’s first and longest operating licensed nuclear research reactor. Having access to an operating research reactor is a key strength for the department and enables Penn State to harness research and educational opportunities that are unique in the United States. See how we’re inspiring change and impacting tomorrow at

Department of Nuclear Engineering

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Phone: 814-863-6222